"Think before you speak. If necessary, think some more."
START OF WEEK: Mondays are already challenging and Sun in Aquarius squaring Mars in Taurus isn't helping being a combative aspect. Use diplomacy. Luckily Moon in Virgo is keeping everyone at bay.
WED: Moon enters passionate Scorpio T-squaring Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Aquarius, making her unsettled and adding intense emotions. Imagine a love triangle between Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius...
WEEKEND: Venus conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius brings some kind of harmony and common sense back. An efficient aspect for work relationships, but not for love relationships, especially Saturday night when Venus squaring Uranus will flair up tempers. Think before you speak. If necessary, think some more.
Shavua tov! Have a great week!