This week the planets bring out the rebellion and unrest alongside the authoritarian Taurus who wants to put things in an order.
START OF WEEK: Starting the week with lots of earth in the chart. Moon in Aries triggers a lot of emotions and an impulsive need to shed and shake things off our backs. We want change but at the same time feel uncomfortable diving into uncertainty. However, it's also a great time to start something new. Remember your job and focus on it while keeping the big picture in your periphery. Tuesday's Mars conjunct Uranus will potentially bring some breakthroughs.
WED: Let's talk about Wednesday. Erratic Uranus can affect us in a variety of ways depending on how we deal with change. It's in Taurus and as we know the bull doesn't like change. If we resist change it may become super uncomfortable but if we accept it and adapt we'll be able to break free from past restrictions and form new ways, personally and collectively. Moon moves into Taurus in the afternoon which further amplifies the need for comfort and stability... but also resistance.
THU: Moon is Taurus squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. We may be prone to excess. Self-control will be helpful.
WEEKEND: Sun and Saturn conjunct bring some much needed common sense. Steady accomplishment is the way to go.
Shavua tov! Have a great week!